The ToolboxControl type exposes the following members.


Default constructor


AdjustFormScrollbars (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
BringToFront (Inherited from Control.)
Contains (Inherited from Control.)
CreateAccessibilityInstance (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControl (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlsInstance (Inherited from Control.)
CreateGraphics (Inherited from Control.)
CreateHandle (Inherited from Control.)
CreateObjRef (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
DefWndProc (Inherited from Control.)
DestroyHandle (Inherited from Control.)
DoDragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
DrawToBitmap (Inherited from Control.)
EndInvoke (Inherited from Control.)
Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Finalize (Inherited from Component.)
FindForm (Inherited from Control.)
Focus (Inherited from Control.)
GetAccessibilityObjectById (Inherited from Control.)
GetAutoSizeMode (Inherited from Control.)
GetContainerControl (Inherited from Control.)
GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
GetLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
GetNextControl (Inherited from Control.)
GetPreferredSize (Inherited from Control.)
GetScaledBounds (Inherited from Control.)
GetScrollState (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
GetService (Inherited from Component.)
GetStyle (Inherited from Control.)
GetTopLevel (Inherited from Control.)
GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Hide (Inherited from Control.)
InitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
InitLayout (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeOnClick (Inherited from Control.)
InvokePaint (Inherited from Control.)
InvokePaintBackground (Inherited from Control.)
IsInputChar (Inherited from Control.)
IsInputKey (Inherited from Control.)
NotifyInvalidate (Inherited from Control.)
OnAutoSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnAutoValidateChanged (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
OnBackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnCausesValidationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnChangeUICues (Inherited from Control.)
OnClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnClientSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnContextMenuChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnContextMenuStripChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnControlAdded (Inherited from Control.)
OnControlRemoved (Inherited from Control.)
OnCreateControl (Inherited from UserControl.)
OnCursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnDockChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragOver (Inherited from Control.)
OnEnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnFontChanged (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
OnForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnGiveFeedback (Inherited from Control.)
OnGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
OnHandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
OnHandleDestroyed (Inherited from Control.)
OnHelpRequested (Inherited from Control.)
OnImeModeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnInvalidated (Inherited from Control.)
OnKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
OnKeyPress (Inherited from Control.)
OnKeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
OnLayout (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
OnLeave (Inherited from Control.)
OnLoad (Inherited from UserControl.)
OnLocationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
OnMarginChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseCaptureChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseDown (Inherited from UserControl.)
OnMouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseHover (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseLeave (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseMove (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseUp (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseWheel (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnMove (Inherited from Control.)
OnNotifyMessage (Inherited from Control.)
OnPaddingChanged (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnPaint (Inherited from Control.)
OnPaintBackground (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnParentBackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentBindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentChanged (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
OnParentCursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentEnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentFontChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentVisibleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnPreviewKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
OnPrint (Inherited from Control.)
OnQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from Control.)
OnRegionChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnResize (Inherited from UserControl.)
OnRightToLeftChanged (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnStyleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnSystemColorsChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTabIndexChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTabStopChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnValidated (Inherited from Control.)
OnValidating (Inherited from Control.)
OnVisibleChanged (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
PerformAutoScale (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
PointToClient (Inherited from Control.)
PointToScreen (Inherited from Control.)
PreProcessControlMessage (Inherited from Control.)
PreProcessMessage (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessCmdKey (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
ProcessDialogChar (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
ProcessDialogKey (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
ProcessKeyEventArgs (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessKeyMessage (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessKeyPreview (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessMnemonic (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
ProcessTabKey (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
RaiseDragEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaiseKeyEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaiseMouseEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaisePaintEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RecreateHandle (Inherited from Control.)
RectangleToClient (Inherited from Control.)
RectangleToScreen (Inherited from Control.)
Refresh (Inherited from Control.)
ResetBackColor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetBindings (Inherited from Control.)
ResetCursor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetFont (Inherited from Control.)
ResetForeColor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
ResetMouseEventArgs (Inherited from Control.)
ResetRightToLeft (Inherited from Control.)
ResetText (Inherited from Control.)
RtlTranslateContent (Inherited from Control.)
RtlTranslateHorizontal (Inherited from Control.)
RtlTranslateLeftRight (Inherited from Control.)
ScaleControl (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScaleCore (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScrollControlIntoView (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScrollToControl (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SelectNextControl (Inherited from Control.)
SendToBack (Inherited from Control.)
SetAutoScrollMargin (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SetAutoSizeMode (Inherited from Control.)
SetBoundsCore (Inherited from Control.)
SetClientSizeCore (Inherited from Control.)
SetDisplayRectLocation (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SetScrollState (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SetStyle (Inherited from Control.)
SetTopLevel (Inherited from Control.)
SetVisibleCore (Inherited from Control.)
Show (Inherited from Control.)
SizeFromClientSize (Inherited from Control.)
SuspendLayout (Inherited from Control.)
ToString (Inherited from Component.)
Update (Inherited from Control.)
UpdateDefaultButton (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
UpdateStyles (Inherited from Control.)
UpdateZOrder (Inherited from Control.)
WndProc (Inherited from UserControl.)


AccessibilityObject (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleDescription (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleName (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleRole (Inherited from Control.)
ActiveControl (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
AllowDrop (Inherited from Control.)
Anchor (Inherited from Control.)
AutoScaleDimensions (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
AutoScaleFactor (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
AutoScaleMode (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
AutoScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
AutoScrollMargin (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
AutoScrollMinSize (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
AutoScrollOffset (Inherited from Control.)
AutoScrollPosition (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
AutoSize (Inherited from UserControl.)
AutoSizeMode (Inherited from UserControl.)
AutoValidate (Inherited from UserControl.)
BackColor (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImage (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageLayout (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContext (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
BorderStyle (Inherited from UserControl.)
Bottom (Inherited from Control.)
Bounds (Inherited from Control.)
CanEnableIme (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
CanFocus (Inherited from Control.)
CanRaiseEvents (Inherited from Control.)
CanSelect (Inherited from Control.)
Capture (Inherited from Control.)
CausesValidation (Inherited from Control.)
ClientRectangle (Inherited from Control.)
ClientSize (Inherited from Control.)
CompanyName (Inherited from Control.)
Container (Inherited from Component.)
ContainsFocus (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenu (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuStrip (Inherited from Control.)
Controls (Inherited from Control.)
Created (Inherited from Control.)
CreateParams (Inherited from UserControl.)
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Cursor (Inherited from Control.)
DataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultCursor (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultMargin (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultMaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultMinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultPadding (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultSize (Inherited from UserControl.)
Gets default Designer, add new designer into list of the associated deisgners
DesignMode (Inherited from Component.)
DisplayRectangle (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Disposing (Inherited from Control.)
Dock (Inherited from Control.)
DockPadding (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
DoubleBuffered (Inherited from Control.)
Enabled (Inherited from Control.)
Events (Inherited from Component.)
Focused (Inherited from Control.)
Font (Inherited from Control.)
FontHeight (Inherited from Control.)
ForeColor (Inherited from Control.)
Handle (Inherited from Control.)
HasChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Height (Inherited from Control.)
HorizontalScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
HScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
ImeModeBase (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeRequired (Inherited from Control.)
IsAccessible (Inherited from Control.)
IsDisposed (Inherited from Control.)
IsHandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
IsMirrored (Inherited from Control.)
LayoutEngine (Inherited from Control.)
Left (Inherited from Control.)
Location (Inherited from Control.)
Margin (Inherited from Control.)
MaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
MinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Name (Inherited from Control.)
Padding (Inherited from Control.)
Parent (Inherited from Control.)
ParentForm (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
PreferredSize (Inherited from Control.)
ProductName (Inherited from Control.)
ProductVersion (Inherited from Control.)
RecreatingHandle (Inherited from Control.)
Region (Inherited from Control.)
RenderRightToLeft Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
ResizeRedraw (Inherited from Control.)
Right (Inherited from Control.)
RightToLeft (Inherited from Control.)
ScaleChildren (Inherited from Control.)
ShowFocusCues (Inherited from Control.)
ShowKeyboardCues (Inherited from Control.)
Site (Inherited from Control.)
Size (Inherited from Control.)
TabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
TabStop (Inherited from Control.)
Tag (Inherited from Control.)
Text (Inherited from UserControl.)
Top (Inherited from Control.)
TopLevelControl (Inherited from Control.)
UseWaitCursor (Inherited from Control.)
VerticalScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Visible (Inherited from Control.)
VScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Width (Inherited from Control.)
WindowTarget (Inherited from Control.)


AutoSizeChanged (Inherited from UserControl.)
AutoValidateChanged (Inherited from UserControl.)
BackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
CausesValidationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ChangeUICues (Inherited from Control.)
Click (Inherited from Control.)
ClientSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuStripChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ControlAdded (Inherited from Control.)
ControlRemoved (Inherited from Control.)
CursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Disposed (Inherited from Component.)
DockChanged (Inherited from Control.)
DoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
DragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
DragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
DragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
DragOver (Inherited from Control.)
EnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Enter (Inherited from Control.)
FontChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
GiveFeedback (Inherited from Control.)
GotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
HandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
HandleDestroyed (Inherited from Control.)
HelpRequested (Inherited from Control.)
ImeModeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Invalidated (Inherited from Control.)
KeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
KeyPress (Inherited from Control.)
KeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Layout (Inherited from Control.)
Leave (Inherited from Control.)
Load (Inherited from UserControl.)
LocationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
LostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
MarginChanged (Inherited from Control.)
MouseCaptureChanged (Inherited from Control.)
MouseClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDown (Inherited from Control.)
MouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
MouseHover (Inherited from Control.)
MouseLeave (Inherited from Control.)
MouseMove (Inherited from Control.)
MouseUp (Inherited from Control.)
MouseWheel (Inherited from Control.)
Move (Inherited from Control.)
PaddingChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Paint (Inherited from Control.)
ParentChanged (Inherited from Control.)
PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
QueryAccessibilityHelp (Inherited from Control.)
QueryContinueDrag (Inherited from Control.)
RegionChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Resize (Inherited from Control.)
RightToLeftChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Scroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
StyleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
SystemColorsChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TabIndexChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TabStopChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TextChanged (Inherited from UserControl.)
Validated (Inherited from Control.)
Validating (Inherited from Control.)
VisibleChanged (Inherited from Control.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also