The PreviewToolbar type exposes the following members.


Initializes a new instance of the class.


AdjustFormScrollbars (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Internal method that is used for synchronization with linked DocumentDesigner and PreviewStatusBar.
BringToFront (Inherited from Control.)
Contains (Inherited from Control.)
CreateAccessibilityInstance (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CreateControl (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlsInstance (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CreateDefaultItem (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CreateGraphics (Inherited from Control.)
CreateHandle (Inherited from Control.)
CreateLayoutSettings (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CreateObjRef (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
DefWndProc (Inherited from Control.)
DestroyHandle (Inherited from Control.)
DoDragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
DrawToBitmap (Inherited from Control.)
Internal method that is used for synchronization with linked DocumentDesigner and PreviewStatusBar.
EndInvoke (Inherited from Control.)
Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Finalize (Inherited from Component.)
FindForm (Inherited from Control.)
Focus (Inherited from Control.)
GetAccessibilityObjectById (Inherited from Control.)
GetAutoSizeMode (Inherited from Control.)
GetContainerControl (Inherited from Control.)
GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
GetLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
GetNextControl (Inherited from Control.)
GetNextItem (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GetPreferredSize (Inherited from Control.)
GetScaledBounds (Inherited from Control.)
GetScrollState (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
GetService (Inherited from Component.)
GetStyle (Inherited from Control.)
GetTopLevel (Inherited from Control.)
GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Hide (Inherited from Control.)
InitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
InitLayout (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeLostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeOnClick (Inherited from Control.)
InvokePaint (Inherited from Control.)
InvokePaintBackground (Inherited from Control.)
IsInputChar (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
IsInputKey (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
NotifyInvalidate (Inherited from Control.)
OnAutoSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnBeginDrag (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnBindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnCausesValidationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnChangeUICues (Inherited from Control.)
OnClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnClientSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnContextMenuChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnContextMenuStripChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnControlAdded (Inherited from Control.)
OnControlRemoved (Inherited from Control.)
OnCreateControl (Inherited from Control.)
OnCursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnDockChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
OnDragOver (Inherited from Control.)
OnEnabledChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnEndDrag (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnFontChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnGiveFeedback (Inherited from Control.)
OnGotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
OnHandleCreated (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnHandleDestroyed (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnHelpRequested (Inherited from Control.)
OnImeModeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnInvalidated (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnItemAdded (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnItemClicked (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnItemRemoved (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
OnKeyPress (Inherited from Control.)
OnKeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
OnLayout (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnLayoutCompleted (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnLayoutStyleChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnLeave (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnLocationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnLostFocus (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMarginChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseCaptureChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMouseClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseDown (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseHover (Inherited from Control.)
OnMouseLeave (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMouseMove (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMouseUp (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnMouseWheel (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnMove (Inherited from Control.)
OnNotifyMessage (Inherited from Control.)
OnPaddingChanged (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
OnPaint (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnPaintBackground (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnPaintGrip (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnParentBackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentBindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentCursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentEnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentFontChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentRightToLeftChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnParentVisibleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnPreviewKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
OnPrint (Inherited from Control.)
OnQueryContinueDrag (Inherited from Control.)
OnRegionChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnRendererChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnResize (Inherited from Control.)
OnRightToLeftChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnScroll (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnStyleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnSystemColorsChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTabIndexChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnTabStopChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OnTextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
OnValidated (Inherited from Control.)
OnValidating (Inherited from Control.)
OnVisibleChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
PointToClient (Inherited from Control.)
PointToScreen (Inherited from Control.)
PreProcessControlMessage (Inherited from Control.)
PreProcessMessage (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessCmdKey (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ProcessDialogChar (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessDialogKey (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ProcessKeyEventArgs (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessKeyMessage (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessKeyPreview (Inherited from Control.)
ProcessMnemonic (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
RaiseDragEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaiseKeyEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaiseMouseEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RaisePaintEvent (Inherited from Control.)
RecreateHandle (Inherited from Control.)
RectangleToClient (Inherited from Control.)
RectangleToScreen (Inherited from Control.)
Refresh (Inherited from Control.)
ResetBackColor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetBindings (Inherited from Control.)
ResetCursor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetFont (Inherited from Control.)
ResetForeColor (Inherited from Control.)
ResetImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
ResetMinimumSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ResetMouseEventArgs (Inherited from Control.)
ResetRightToLeft (Inherited from Control.)
ResetText (Inherited from Control.)
RestoreFocus (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
RtlTranslateContent (Inherited from Control.)
RtlTranslateHorizontal (Inherited from Control.)
RtlTranslateLeftRight (Inherited from Control.)
ScaleControl (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScaleCore (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScrollControlIntoView (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ScrollToControl (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SelectNextControl (Inherited from Control.)
SendToBack (Inherited from Control.)
SetAutoScrollMargin (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
SetAutoSizeMode (Inherited from Control.)
SetBoundsCore (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
SetClientSizeCore (Inherited from Control.)
SetDisplayedItems (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
SetDisplayRectLocation (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SetItemLocation (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
SetScrollState (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SetStyle (Inherited from Control.)
SetTopLevel (Inherited from Control.)
SetVisibleCore (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Show (Inherited from Control.)
SizeFromClientSize (Inherited from Control.)
SuspendLayout (Inherited from Control.)
ToString (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Update (Inherited from Control.)
Updates toolbar using data from linked preview.
UpdateStyles (Inherited from Control.)
UpdateZOrder (Inherited from Control.)
WndProc (Inherited from ToolStrip.)


Shows version information and displays about box.
AccessibilityObject (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleDescription (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleName (Inherited from Control.)
AccessibleRole (Inherited from Control.)
AllowDrop (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AllowItemReorder (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AllowMerge (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Anchor (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AutoScroll (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AutoScrollMargin (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AutoScrollMinSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AutoScrollOffset (Inherited from Control.)
AutoScrollPosition (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
AutoSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
BackColor (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
BackgroundImage (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageLayout (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContext (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Bottom (Inherited from Control.)
Bounds (Inherited from Control.)
Property that represents buttons included into toolbar.
CanEnableIme (Inherited from Control.)
CanFocus (Inherited from Control.)
CanOverflow (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CanRaiseEvents (Inherited from Control.)
CanSelect (Inherited from Control.)
Capture (Inherited from Control.)
CausesValidation (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ClientRectangle (Inherited from Control.)
ClientSize (Inherited from Control.)
CompanyName (Inherited from Control.)
Container (Inherited from Component.)
ContainsFocus (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenu (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuStrip (Inherited from Control.)
Controls (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Created (Inherited from Control.)
CreateParams (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Cursor (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultCursor (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultDock (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultDropDownDirection (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultGripMargin (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultMargin (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultMaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultMinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
DefaultPadding (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultShowItemToolTips (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DefaultSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DesignMode (Inherited from Component.)
DisplayedItems (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DisplayRectangle (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Disposing (Inherited from Control.)
Dock (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
DockPadding (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Gets or sets link with DocumentDesigner component.
DoubleBuffered (Inherited from Control.)
Enabled (Inherited from Control.)
Events (Inherited from Component.)
Focused (Inherited from Control.)
Font (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
FontHeight (Inherited from Control.)
ForeColor (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GripDisplayStyle (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GripMargin (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GripRectangle (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GripStyle (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Handle (Inherited from Control.)
HasChildren (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Height (Inherited from Control.)
HorizontalScroll (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
HScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
ImageList (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ImageScalingSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
ImeModeBase (Inherited from Control.)
InvokeRequired (Inherited from Control.)
IsAccessible (Inherited from Control.)
IsCurrentlyDragging (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
IsDisposed (Inherited from Control.)
IsDropDown (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
IsHandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
IsMirrored (Inherited from Control.)
Items (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
LayoutEngine (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
LayoutSettings (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
LayoutStyle (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Left (Inherited from Control.)
Location (Inherited from Control.)
Margin (Inherited from Control.)
MaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
MaxItemSize (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
MinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Name (Inherited from Control.)
Orientation (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
OverflowButton (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Padding (Inherited from Control.)
Parent (Inherited from Control.)
PreferredSize (Inherited from Control.)
ProductName (Inherited from Control.)
ProductVersion (Inherited from Control.)
RecreatingHandle (Inherited from Control.)
Region (Inherited from Control.)
Renderer (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
RenderMode (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
RenderRightToLeft Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
ResizeRedraw (Inherited from Control.)
Right (Inherited from Control.)
RightToLeft (Inherited from Control.)
ScaleChildren (Inherited from Control.)
ShowFocusCues (Inherited from Control.)
ShowItemToolTips (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ShowKeyboardCues (Inherited from Control.)
Site (Inherited from Control.)
Size (Inherited from Control.)
Gets or sets link with PreviewStatusBar component.
Stretch (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
TabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
TabStop (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Tag (Inherited from Control.)
Text (Inherited from Control.)
TextDirection (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Top (Inherited from Control.)
TopLevelControl (Inherited from Control.)
UseWaitCursor (Inherited from Control.)
VerticalScroll (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Visible (Inherited from Control.)
VScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Width (Inherited from Control.)
WindowTarget (Inherited from Control.)


AutoSizeChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
BackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BeginDrag (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
BindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
CausesValidationChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ChangeUICues (Inherited from Control.)
Click (Inherited from Control.)
ClientSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuStripChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ControlAdded (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ControlRemoved (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
CursorChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Disposed (Inherited from Component.)
DockChanged (Inherited from Control.)
DoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
DragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
DragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
DragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
DragOver (Inherited from Control.)
EnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
EndDrag (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Enter (Inherited from Control.)
FontChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ForeColorChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
GiveFeedback (Inherited from Control.)
GotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
HandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
HandleDestroyed (Inherited from Control.)
HelpRequested (Inherited from Control.)
ImeModeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Invalidated (Inherited from Control.)
ItemAdded (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ItemClicked (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ItemRemoved (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
KeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
KeyPress (Inherited from Control.)
KeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Layout (Inherited from Control.)
LayoutCompleted (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
LayoutStyleChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Leave (Inherited from Control.)
LocationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
LostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
MarginChanged (Inherited from Control.)
MouseCaptureChanged (Inherited from Control.)
MouseClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDown (Inherited from Control.)
MouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
MouseHover (Inherited from Control.)
MouseLeave (Inherited from Control.)
MouseMove (Inherited from Control.)
MouseUp (Inherited from Control.)
MouseWheel (Inherited from Control.)
Move (Inherited from Control.)
PaddingChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Paint (Inherited from Control.)
PaintGrip (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
ParentChanged (Inherited from Control.)
PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
QueryAccessibilityHelp (Inherited from Control.)
QueryContinueDrag (Inherited from Control.)
RegionChanged (Inherited from Control.)
RendererChanged (Inherited from ToolStrip.)
Resize (Inherited from Control.)
RightToLeftChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Scroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
SizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
StyleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
SystemColorsChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TabIndexChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TabStopChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Validated (Inherited from Control.)
Validating (Inherited from Control.)
VisibleChanged (Inherited from Control.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IDropTarget..::.OnDragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
IDropTarget..::.OnDragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
IDropTarget..::.OnDragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
IDropTarget..::.OnDragOver (Inherited from Control.)

See Also