Manual removal instructions:
Full path on a computer: %APPDATA%\SMADAV\UPD104\SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE
Related Files:
The file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is identified as a virus dropper.
The dropper SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is used for downloading and installing other malware, Trojans, viruses by the commands received from the Command Center.
The file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE loads into the computer memory and tries to connect to the dangerous web site.
Usually the SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE dropper does not infect the files on the computer and does not replicate itself on other computers.
Kill the SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE process and delete the file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE.
SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is related to: Dropper.Agent.Win32.227796, SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE.
Virustotal = 1/57
MD5 = 8AFD109901B377D55D1CB387B77C5893
File Size: 1658880
File information:
OriginalFilename: Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.4.exe
FileDescription: Smadav USB Antivirus & Additional Protection
InternalName: Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.4
CompanyName: Smadsoft
FileVersion: 4.104.0001
LegalCopyright: c 2006-2015 Smadsoft. All rights reserved
Related Files:
The file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is identified as a virus dropper.
The dropper SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is used for downloading and installing other malware, Trojans, viruses by the commands received from the Command Center.
The file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE loads into the computer memory and tries to connect to the dangerous web site.
Usually the SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE dropper does not infect the files on the computer and does not replicate itself on other computers.
Kill the SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE process and delete the file SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE.
SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE is related to: Dropper.Agent.Win32.227796, SMADAV104-UPDATE.EXE.
Virustotal = 1/57
MD5 = 8AFD109901B377D55D1CB387B77C5893
File Size: 1658880
File information:
OriginalFilename: Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.4.exe
FileDescription: Smadav USB Antivirus & Additional Protection
InternalName: Smadav 2015 Rev. 10.4
CompanyName: Smadsoft
FileVersion: 4.104.0001
LegalCopyright: c 2006-2015 Smadsoft. All rights reserved
Dmitry Sokolov:
I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.
Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.
If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.
We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.