bionet.exe - Dangerous
Manual removal instructions:
Antivirus Report of bionet.exe:
Remote Access / Keylogger / Steals passwords / ICQ trojan / AOL trojan / DoS tool
It alters Wininit.ini and replaces explorer.exe with explorer.e. It may also infect Awadrp32.exe, Mkcompat.exe and Rnaap.exe. You usually notice your infected because you no longer can reboot or shutdown the computer as the trojan will not shutdown. BioNet also makes it impossible to reboot to DOS mode to delete the trojan. It evaids antivirus and firewall programs. Every server sent out is possible to be unique with combinations of more than 50 different features using the server builder. Using CGI scripts the trojan can do almost anything. Because of this may manual removal instruction not be totally reliable. The server is distributed in an uncompressed version, to allow anyone to use a compressor is his choice. Using a scheduler, the hacker can activate the server to make contact on a certain a specific day. BioNet is able to attack other servers using a large numbers IGMP packets using all available bandwidth. From v3.09 it supports plug-ins from other coders.
bionet.exe | Malware |
bionet.exe | Dangerous |
bionet.exe | High Risk |
It alters Wininit.ini and replaces explorer.exe with explorer.e. It may also infect Awadrp32.exe, Mkcompat.exe and Rnaap.exe. You usually notice your infected because you no longer can reboot or shutdown the computer as the trojan will not shutdown. BioNet also makes it impossible to reboot to DOS mode to delete the trojan. It evaids antivirus and firewall programs. Every server sent out is possible to be unique with combinations of more than 50 different features using the server builder. Using CGI scripts the trojan can do almost anything. Because of this may manual removal instruction not be totally reliable. The server is distributed in an uncompressed version, to allow anyone to use a compressor is his choice. Using a scheduler, the hacker can activate the server to make contact on a certain a specific day. BioNet is able to attack other servers using a large numbers IGMP packets using all available bandwidth. From v3.09 it supports plug-ins from other coders.
Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.
Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.
If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.
We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.