boontybox.exe - Dangerous
Manual removal instructions:
Antivirus Report of boontybox.exe:
BOONTYBOX.EXE is related to BoontyBox jubkebox software.
BOONTYBOX.EXE is used to discover, download, launch and buy video games for PC.
Will not uninstall from Add/Remove programs. This is from their Privacy Policy. "We also may share payment information with third parties who provide payment services and share aggregate data regarding the type and number of videogames you download, your age, gender, occupation, education level, geographic location, computer equipment data and on-line and video game interests, activities and practices to game publishers. In addition, we share e-mail addresses with third party e-mail carriers who assist us in sending out our e-mails to many of our customers at the same time. Subsidiaries and controlled affiliates are not viewed as third parties for the purpose of data transfers, and hence personal information may be shared within those subsidiaries and affiliates without obtaining additional consent."
Manufacturer: BOONTY
boontybox.exe | Malware |
boontybox.exe | Dangerous |
boontybox.exe | High Risk |
BOONTYBOX.EXE is used to discover, download, launch and buy video games for PC.
Will not uninstall from Add/Remove programs. This is from their Privacy Policy. "We also may share payment information with third parties who provide payment services and share aggregate data regarding the type and number of videogames you download, your age, gender, occupation, education level, geographic location, computer equipment data and on-line and video game interests, activities and practices to game publishers. In addition, we share e-mail addresses with third party e-mail carriers who assist us in sending out our e-mails to many of our customers at the same time. Subsidiaries and controlled affiliates are not viewed as third parties for the purpose of data transfers, and hence personal information may be shared within those subsidiaries and affiliates without obtaining additional consent."
Manufacturer: BOONTY
Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.
Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.
If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.
We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.