oz11111.exe - Dangerous
Manual removal instructions:
Antivirus Report of oz11111.exe:
Querys the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kazaa\Transfer\DlDir0, and, if successful, it will attempt to copy itself to that folder as a files with different names.
Retrieves email addresses from the Microsoft Outlook Address Book, and from files on fixed disks, ram disks, and some folders.
Uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses that it finds.
Manual removal:
Navigate to these keys:
and delete these values:
"Microsoft Windows updaterD"="%system%\log32zx.exe"
oz11111.exe | Malware |
oz11111.exe | Dangerous |
oz11111.exe | High Risk |
Retrieves email addresses from the Microsoft Outlook Address Book, and from files on fixed disks, ram disks, and some folders.
Uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses that it finds.
Manual removal:
Navigate to these keys:
and delete these values:
"Microsoft Windows updaterD"="%system%\log32zx.exe"
Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.
Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.
If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.
We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.