rlid.exe - Dangerous


Manual removal instructions:

Antivirus Report of rlid.exe:
rlid.exe Malware
rlid.exeHigh Risk
Added as a result of the LIXY virus.

Backdoor.Lixy is a Backdoor Trojan Horse that opens a proxy server on TCP port 1080.
Backdoor.Lixy consists of one .dll file and two .exe files.

The file names are usually the following:
- Rlid.exe: For setting up and running other Trojan files.
- Lid.exe: Contains the main routine of the backdoor.
- Lid.dll: A malicious Browser Helper Object that runs Lid.exe.

Backdoor.Lixy performs the following actions:
Adds the value:
to the registry key:
so that the Trojan starts when you start Windows.

Adds the following keys in the registry:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{1E1B2879-88FF-11D2-8D96-D7ACAC95951A}
which adds Lid.dll as a Browser Helper Object.

Manual removal:
Delete the unneeded registry keys (see above).

Automatic removal:
Use RegRun Startup Optimizer to remove it from startup.

Remove rlid.exe now!

Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.

Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.

If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.

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