What is BSVCPROCESSOR.EXE? Is is dangerous?
The file BSVCPROCESSOR.EXE is not malicious.
BSVCPROCESSOR service was made by Microsoft.
Antivirus testing: 0 / 68
It is 100% clean.
BSVCPROCESSOR.EXE size is 1068696 bytes.
Bsvcprocessor has stopped working?
It is known problem of one of BSVCPROCESSOR version.
Sometimes Bsvcprocessor has stopped working and displayed this error.
BSVCPROCESSOR.EXE crashes several times per day.
How did you get BSVCPROCESSOR?
BSVCPROCESSOR is a part of Microsoft Bing Desktop software.
Usually you have installed BSVCPROCESSOR in a bundle with another program.
How to fix ‘Bsvcprocessor has stopped working’ error?
Bsvcprocessor is not required component of the Windows system.
Bsvcprocessor service is useless in most cases.
You can disable or remove it without problems for your computer.
The best solution
Uninstall Microsoft Bing Desktop or Bing Toolbar.
Disable BSVCPROCESSOR.EXE (bingsvc) service.
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