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 CasPol.exe - Utilities - Vista



Relate to: Security

Default location: %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CasPol.exe

Useful information about: CasPol.exe

Description: Microsoft .NET Framework CAS Policy Manager

Version: 2.0.50727.312 (rtmLHS.050727-3100)

Size: 106496 (104K)

MD5: DA0D36A45A13502281F84F76F4898F4C

The Code Access Security Policy tool (CasPol.exe) enables users and administrators to modify security policy for the machine policy level, the user policy level, and the enterprise policy level.

Usage: caspol

caspol -m[achine]

Modifier that makes additional commands act on the machine level

caspol -u[ser]

Modifier that makes additional commands act on the user level

caspol -en[terprise]

Modifier that makes additional commands act on the enterprise level

caspol -cu

caspol -customuser

Modifier that makes additional commands act on the custom user level

caspol -a[ll]

Set all policy levels as the active levels

caspol -ca

caspol -customall

Modifier that makes additional commands act on all levels as a custom user

caspol -l[ist]

List code groups & permission sets

caspol -lg

caspol -listgroups

List code groups

caspol -lp

caspol -listpset

List permission sets

caspol -lf

caspol -listfulltrust

List full trust assemblies

caspol -ld

caspol -listdescription

List code group names and descriptions

caspol -cft

caspol -checkfulltrust

Check full trust list

caspol -ap

caspol -addpset { | }

Add named permission set to policy level

caspol -cp

caspol -chgpset

Change named permission set in active level

caspol -rp

caspol -rempset

Remove a named permission set from the policy level

caspol -af

caspol -addfulltrust

Add full trust assembly to policy level

caspol -rf

caspol -remfulltrust

Remove a full trust assembly from the policy level

caspol -rg

caspol -remgroup

Remove code group at

caspol -cg

caspol -chggroup {||}+

Change code group at to given membership,

permission set, or flags

caspol -ag

caspol -addgroup

Add code group to with given membership,

permission set, and flags

caspol -rsg

caspol -resolvegroup

List code groups this file belongs to

caspol -rsp

caspol -resolveperm

List permissions granted to this file

caspol -s[ecurity] { on | off }

Turn security on or off

caspol -e[xecution] { on | off }

Enable/Disable checking for "right-to-run" on code execution start-up

caspol -pp

caspol -polchgprompt { on | off }

Enable/Disable policy change prompt

caspol -q[uiet]

Disable policy change prompt for this command

caspol -r[ecover]

Recover the most recently saved version of a level

caspol -rs

caspol -reset

Reset a level to its default state

caspol -rsld

caspol -resetlockdown

Reset a level to its default lockdown state

caspol -f[orce]

Enable forcing save that will disable caspol functionality

caspol -b[uildcache]

Build the security policy cache file.

caspol -?

caspol /?

caspol -h[elp]

Displays this screen

where "" can be:

-allcode All code

-appdir Application directory

-custom Custom membership condition

-hash {-hex |-file }

Assembly hash

-pub {-cert | -file | -hex }

Software publisher

-gac Installed in the Global Assembly Cache

-site Site

-strong {-file | -hex }

{ | -noname} { | -noversion}

Strong name

-url URL

-zone Zone, where zone can be:






where "" can be any combination of:

-exclusive {on|off}

Set the policy statement Exclusive flag

-levelfinal {on|off}

Set the policy statement LevelFinal flag


Code group name


Code group description

Read more:

Slow computer? Get rid of a Virus/Trojan/Adware/Spyware/Rootkit? Try RegRun for free. It helps...

Constantly updated. Last update: December 17 2004

"CasPol.exe" >
Application Status:
At your option


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