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in Remove a Virus by

FIt-girl repcks virus/worm continually backdoors system and plants registry keys: "PUM.Optional.DisableMRT, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\POLICIES\MICROSOFT\MRT|DONTREPORTINFECTIONINFORMATION" <--Caught by Malwarebytes...omn PC,5tb HDD, Phone too

the attacker has complete control of my system, even destroys aspects of my life, returning packages, getting loans denied, ordering credit cards in my name. the attacker get very very unorthodox complete control of my PC, my phone, and the worm even lies dormant in my 5tb HDD...

the scan infact found files the first scan...however didnt find anything in the hdd...nothing finds this worm/virus like unhack me, thanks for an amazing product!!!

1 Answer

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by (59.8k points)

If you still have any issues, please:

  1. Open UnHackMe,
  2. Click the "Help in Removal" button on the main screen.
  3. Choose "Send us RegRunLog".
  4. Enter your e-mail, name, or nick.
  5. Describe your problem.
  6. Accept our Privacy Policy.
  7. Click the "Upload" button.
    If you have any trouble with it, you can manually attach "regrunlog.txt" from your desktop and send us by e-mail to support@greatis.com.
    I will check your log and send you a solution as soon as possible.


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