- "Help in Removal" is the best way to fix malware issues, if you are not tech-savvy, and you afraid to damage your system.
"Help in Removal" is a free service! - How does it work?
- You send a special log file (regrunlog.txt), created by UnHackMe software.
- The UnHackMe support team analyzes your file and creates a special solution file (RNR.rnr).
- You open the RNR file and UnHackMe fixes your issues.
- You need to restart your computer and send a new log file (regrunlog.txt) for checking results.
- Open UnHackMe.
Click the "Help in Removal" button. - Click the Send us RegRunlog.
- Wait for creating the log.
- Fill in the sending form.
You need to add your e-mail address for contact.
Add your nick or name. Describe your problem with details.
Check the Privacy box. - That's OK!
Your message uploaded on the server.
You will get a reply shortly.
Now you can proceed to the "How to Fix Malware Using the RNR File, Received from the Support Team" guide.