How to remove SPROTECTOR.DLL.
Video lesson.

SPROTECTOR.DLL is Adware. SPROTECTOR.DLL is not a virus. But SPROTECTOR.DLL may cause errors, slowing down your computer. SPROTECTOR.DLL is usually installed with free or fake software: system optimizers.

Full path on a computer: %Program Files%\VaudiX\sprotector.dll

The foldear name: %Program Files%\VaudiX\ is vary and depends of the publisher.

Sprotector.DLL Removal

Video is recorded without sound.


  1. Simple. No need to have special computer skills for rootkit removal.
  2. Quick. Rootkit removal in one reboot.

System requirements

Windows 9x, 2000/2003/XP/2008/Vista/Seven or higher 32 or 64 bit.
512 Mb RAM
CD/DVD drive or USB stick.

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Purchase includes:

  UnHackMe Single License - Electronic Delivery

  Warrior CD Image - Electronic Delivery

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This solution works great. Thanks!


Works as advertised. Keep up your good work guys!