ICQCHK.exe MSX.DLL Free Remover

ICQCHK.exe MSX.DLL Free Remover

ICQCHK Trojan is installed by VideoCodec3_05b.exe to help you play "funny" movies. Now the Trojan′s web sites are closed.

Related files in the %SysDir% folder (usually c:\ Windows\System32):

  1. kaboom.dll
  2. iewatch.exe
  3. A0003016.exe
  4. VideoCodec3_05b.exe
  5. sysmon.exe
  6. msx.dll
  7. gtrack.dll
  8. ietool[1].exe
  9. ietool[2].exe
  10. ietool[3].exe

Removal Instructions

  1. Download our special software:
    RegRun Reanimator
    Unzip it to any folder on your hard drive.
    * RegRun users need to open RegRun Start Control.
  2. Save icqchk_kill.rnr to the same folder.

    * Script file works if Windows is installed to "C:\Windows".
    * Script file deletes Trojan′s files and registry entries. If not, open icqchk_kill.rnr in the Notepad.exe and replace "c:\Windows" to your path.

  3. Restart your computer to the Safe mode. Read instructions how to go to the Safe mode.
  4. Open Reanimator.exe (or RegRun Start Control). Open Reanimator menu, "Execute Reanimator Job". Choose icqchk_kill.rnr file.
  5. Restart your computer again to the Safe mode. Repeat the job execution.
  6. Restart to the Normal Windows mode. Open Reanimator and choose "Scan for Viruses" to be sure that it is complete.
  7. VisitSupport if you have any questions.
    Open a support ticket and attach your detailed system report made by RegRun.
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