How to remove Windows 7 End-of-Service screen forever!

Windows 7 End-of Service screen

This screen is caused by Microsoft update.

I think that, it is not good to interrupt startup with full screen notifications.

The special scheduled task is created to open "EOSNotify.exe" at startup, before Windows explorer is starting.


You can click "Remind me later" or "Don't ask me again" to quit from this screen.

But you can not be sure that you will not see it again.


EOSNotify creates the value Discontinue (type DWORD) =1, to remember your answer (Don't ask me again) in the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify.

But it will work only for current user. Other users who use this PC will still see this notification.

Microsoft will start display "End of support" notification from April 18 2019

Windows 7 End of support notification - SIPNotify.exe

This notification will be displayed everyday for each user of your PC.

The screen has an option: "Do not remind me again". But this may be changed in the future. We remember the forced updates using GWX.

The "End-of-support" notification is installed by Windows update KB4493132. You can skip this update, because it contains only files for displaying this notification.

Microsoft uses 2 scheduled tasks under Microsoft\Windows\End Of Support folder: Notfify 1 and Notify 2.

These tasks execute: c:\windows\system32\sipnotify.exe

SIPNotify use registry key to save its settings: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SipNotify.

DontRemindMe (type DWORD ) =1 - disable notification.

If you hate the "End-of-service" screen on your Windows 7 during Windows startup, you can easily remove it.

How to remove EOSNotify and SIPNotify forever?

More information about GWX Stopper
Use a registry file to import.

Download REG file
Be careful with using registry! Use it at your own risk!

  1. Save
  2. Unzip
  3. Double click on eosnotify-block.reg.
    You can view this file using notepad if you want.
  4. Accept UAC confirmation. Accept question about importing.
That's all!

Contents of eosnotify-block.reg


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\EOSNOTIFY.EXE]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\SIPNOTIFY.EXE]


Recommend you:

Good Luck!
