- Open UnHackMe.
- Choose the Register tab.
- Choose the "Standard" if you want to purchase a license to a single PC.
- Click the "Special Offer" to purchase a license to 2 PC with a discount.
- Click the "Family" if you want to purchase the licenses for all PC in your household.
- Click the "UnHackMe Pro" if you want to cure other PCs (1-50) without installing UnHackMe on these computers.
- Click the "More Info" to find advanced licensing options: education discounts, annual subscriptions, etc.
- Click the language button if you want to change the default settings.
- Choose the "Americas".
- Click the "United States" to change your currency to dollars.
- Click the "Choose Language".
- Choose your Language.
- Enter your e-mail.
- Choose the "Credit/Debit Card" or "PayPal Checkout" or "Wire Transfer".
- Fill in the form.
- Click the "Pay" button.
- You will get the registration code and instructions on how to register UnHackMe immediately after a successful purchase.
Also, a copy of this message you will receive by e-mail.
Please, check your spam box if you miss it.
Now you can proceed to the "How to Register UnHackMe" guide.