How to Start Removing Malware

  1. Click on the "Scan and Fix" button.
  2. Select a scan option in the popup menu.
  3. Compare the scanning methods:
    On-line Multi-Antivirus + Anti-Malware - recommended to make
    a full scan of your startup programs, processes,
    services, drivers, browser extensions and settings.
    The suspicious files will be tested
    in the cloud by several antiviral engines.
    Anti-Malware scan does not use on-line scanning.

  4. Scan in the Safe Mode - UnHackMe will switch
    your PC into the Windows Safe mode.
    Be careful! You must know your Administrator password (not PIN).
    Scan before Windows starts - UnHackMe will start
    immediately after user logon before Windows Explorer starts.
    Scan in the Inspection Mode - UnHackMe will display
    the detailed information about your system:
    all working processes, startup programs, etc.
    You can investigate malware manually.
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Now you can proceed to the Full Auto Scan Malware guide. ‎

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